Monday, November 28, 2011

The Destroyer

Tonight was to much, Steve and I thought the situation was so funny, but it turned bad so quickly. Eliza was building a fort down stairs. Spencer kept knocking it over and destroying it, she was getting a little hysterical over the whole thing so we said, "if you want to build a fort go upstairs and build one." our upstairs is a big open loft so when Eliza yelled down, "I need some help." Spencer flew out of his seat and yelled,"OK." While running up the stairs to help her. Eliza got hysterical and starts yelling, "No, you are not a HELPER, you are a DESTROYER." I wish you could have heard the fear and anger in her voice. I guess at this point we should have intervened. However I was working on scouts and Steve was watching the Chiefs. Also it was kind of funny.  Next thing we hear is fighting, "Spencer get away, get out of here you destroyer." What we didn't know was he picked up a sword on the way up the stairs. Next thing we hear is a blood curtailing scream, we think Eliza is being dramatic. We were wrong, she has a huge bruise across her cheek. Spencer took a swing at her while she was trying to push him out of her room. I know, it's not funny that she has a bruised cheek, but the whole incident is really funny to me. Sorry Eliza!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Seven Peaks

August the 16th 
My kids think they are so grown up. They don't need me any more to hover over them at water parks. They each got to bring a friend. I could barely get sunblock on them before they ran off. Of course they came back for food and money. Matt went off with Dallin and Ford for a while. Eliza and Emmy spent a lot of time at the lazy river and the wave pool. Emmy does not like water slides, so of course Eliza gave into pier pressure and said they were to scary for her to. Don't worry Matthew and I drug her onto one, and then she realized she loves water slides and couldn't get enough of them. Dallin and Ford raced all over doing a lot of the slides. They spent a lot of time on the rope swings, I did to they are a lot of fun. Eliza and Emmy are having some dip-n-dots under the umbrella.

 Uncle Matt and Spencer soaking up the sun. I know summer just got over but I really miss the heat and the sun.
 Dallin and his best buddy Ford. I love these two boys.
 They think they are so cool, and they are.
 Of course they had to pose for a picture hurting each other. This is one guy thing I will never understand/
 Spencer spent about half of the day with us. He was the only almost 2 year old in the pool with out floaties. I took him to the pool for the 4-6 year olds. I helped him the first few times going up the stairs to the water slide and then stood by while he tried to figure out how to get his feet under him at the bottom of the slide. He got it after a few times and then I just sat on the side of the pool while he went down the water slide about a hundred times. He and Eliza are water babies. they could possibly have gills. I will have to check.Thomas came and picked him up around 1 to take him home for a nap. Matthew and I got to go on all sorts of slides that I really didn't want to go on. But thanks to pier pressure Matt talked me into it. Yes, I think I was actually shaking on a few of them. 

After Matthew and I finished up with all the terrifying water slides, we rounded up the kids and went over to the racing slides. We did that a few times, and I call for a redo.  Matthew thinks that he won every race. I only lost because I just had knee surgery and could not bend my leg to push off as well as the rest of them. After all the racing, we had to leave a little earlier than we wanted. That night there was a shower for Chelsea at my parents house. I wish I would have taken more pictures at the shower, but I got caught up catching up with everyone.

Camping at Tibblefork

August 11th and 12th
We got into town on the 10th for Tom's wedding, the wedding wasn't until the 19th so we had lots of time to play. We went to Tibblefork, in American Fork Canyon in Ut.on the 12th.
 It really was such a beautiful place. Steve and I used ti camp here all the time during out college years.
 Uncle Tom and Uncle Matt came with us. Thank goodness because I couldn't of done it without them. I was post knee surgery only 3 weeks on this camping trip, so I didn't get to do a lot of hiking.

 I was busy running around trying to get all the camping gear ready so I asked the kids to pack themselves. BIG mistake. It gets really cold in the canyon at night and no one brought pj's. I even forgot Spencer's, and since I didn't want my kids to freeze I gave them mine. I layered everyone up the best I could. Eliza is wearing one of my shirts and my bathing suit cover up. Spencer is wearing one of my shirts and my socks on his hands and arms to try and keep him war. Dallin is in my sweats. Thomas and Matt gave up some of there clothes so I didn't freeze. However it was a cold night seeing as how we didn't have blankets or pillows. We had sleeping bags and about 2 blankets but it didn't help much.
 Thank goodness we had a great fire. We all stayed warm as long as we stayed close to the flames.
  The morning after a very long night of NO sleep and i wasn't the only one. Eliza, Spencer and myself ended up in the back of the pilot and left the boys in the tent with a few more blankets so they could bundle up and stay warm. We used the heat in the car.
 Just a cute picture of Spencer with his Uncle Matt.
 Honestly my kids have the best Aunts and Uncles. Our kids are so spoiled and lucky to have them. I hope they realize someday how loved they are.
 That Blondie, is me in the back of the pilot. Just trying to get a little bit of beauty rest.
 We packed up camp and headed over to the lake to fish. Uncle Matt was so sweet to help the kids fish.
 Eliza attempting to swim, however the water was way to cold. Spencer fell in and came up with a look of total shock and terror because of how cold it was.
 We spent about half the day up there and made it home in time for dinner. Later that night Uncle Erik helped Spencer get in full camo. He looked so cute. 

Taylor Swift Concert

October 21st-23rd
 This was the best weekend. Eliza and I need to do this at least once a year. The boys are going to copy us. They are taking a weekend and going to the Chiefs vs. Cardnials football game soon. Liza Lou and I had so much fun they want in on the party. This is how the weekend went. We left for Pheonix early, did some shopping, and let me tell you Eliza is a great shopper when it's about her. We then went and got our nails done. After our mani, pedis, we checked into our room and got all ready for the concert. Then Eliza and I went out to eat and headed over to the big show. It was so much fun to just be with her.

 When the concert finally started Eliza had to leave her head and ears hurt. So I got a napkin and made ear plugs then we went back in sang and danced the night away.

The concert got over around 11:30 so of course on the way home she fell asleep. (This si when I wish Steve was around) I had to carry her in from the car all the way to the room. We slept in a little the following morning and then headed out to the pool. Eliza got her lunch pool side, with a smoothie and thats when she told me, "we really should do this all the time Mom." Agreed!!! We swam till 1 then went in got all ready to do some more shopping, went out to eat one last time, then headed home. We got home pretty late that night, and yes the whole way home we had microphones and sang to the Taylor Swift CD.

Halloween Party

October the 15th
 Tradition!!! I guess now, not only is it tradition for my kids, but from what I hear from other parents their kids look forward to it to. Almost as much as trick or treating. One mom told me her daughter put her costume on the morning of the party and couldn't wait for it to star. It's those comments and the excitement for the kids that makes the 2 weeks of hard work (1 week of prep and about 1 week of clean up) ALL WORTH IT. My kids obviously love it to. This year was a little different we invited some parents. I think next year will be even bigger and we will just have to invite everyone. It's hard to choose who gets to come and who doesn't. As tradition goes the kids bobbed for apples, had a doughnut eating contest, this year we had a pinata, and of course as tradition goes I made a ton of food. 

Bobbing for apples and the doughnut contest
Spencer was Darth Vader, Han Solo was there and he so kindly shared his gun with Spencer.
Han and Leia
Some Pirates
Ann Marie, trying to bust in on Kevin and Claudia. Lucky, Kevin.

Eliza and Tabby. Just in case you can't tell what they are, they are fish. Tabby, is a goldfish. Eliza is a angelfish. Dallin is to cool and was off with his friends the second they showed up.
Dan and Marisa, she is a Pink Lady.
Candy GOODS!
Monster cupcakes!

This year, I climbed trees and broke branches to make my front porch a little spooky. Yes, I really climbed trees. I spent about 3 hours hanging branches and putting crows all over.
I drug this big old piece of wood over for the owl to sit on.

These pretzels were easy to make and a huge hit.

One of the many food stations.
I would make a few changes, but over all such a fun night. I wish I had pictures from the pinata but I was to busy spinning kids and making sure no one got hit by the bat.