Sunday, April 25, 2010

Airsoft WARS

There is a group of about 20(sorry 24 Dallin just corrected me) boys who love to have airsoft wars. It was Chase's (a good family friend's) birthday. He organized this whole war. Dallin was talking about it, and planning his strategy for a week. They play capture the flag, island take over, and protect the president. It is seriously one of the most exciting things that goes on in Dallin's life.
I texted this out the other day but for those of you that didn't hear it I have to share. Dallin and Eliza were upstairs. They were supposed to be doing something, but were sitting talking on the bathroom floor. I over heard Dallin tell Eliza, "Well pretty much every girl in the school has a crush on me, except one." He thinks he is such a ladies man.


"M" Clan said...

They're all so intense, it's perfect!

brittany said...

Hey Emily! Thank you for your comments on my blog!

I am not shooting Melanie's wedding.

We have just been ignoring the tantrums, but she may have noticed me smiling...uh oh, I should be more careful about that. :S