Monday, July 13, 2009

Cute Kids

Dallin will no longer sleep in his room alone after seeing the "Thriller" video. Aren't they cute when they sleep.

On the way home from Church
The kids where playing a game, Eliza had lost her memory and Dallin was telling her what everything was; trees, dirt, fence, cars, ect, ect.. and then explaining to her what the use of those things where. Steve and I where having a good time listening to this conversation. It turned silly pretty quick. Eliza, "What is my name?" Dallin, "Uh, weird girl." Eliza's, "What is my middle name?" Dallin, "Stinky." She has taken this name on and they both think it is so funny to call her weird girl stinky. So as we get a little closer to home Eliza asks Dallin what you do when you get home from church? Dallin tells her, " You get to change out of your clothes. (then I think he had a light bulb moment) Yeah, you take off all your clothes and then you run out the front door, up and down the street while screaming really loud." I'm just glad she didn't do it.

I will never leave Dallin in charge as an older brother!!


brittany said...

lol! I love hearing the crazy fun things kids say.

Brent and Ashley said...

Your kids are too cute. I bet they just entertain you all day long!!

And I can't remember if I ever told you all *congrats*
We are SO happy for you! That will be so much fun. You're due about the same time as Rachel I think. How fun to have 2 new babies in the family!!