Sunday, June 13, 2010

Scouts Day Camp

Day Camp @ Camp Raymond. This is a bunch of boys for our ward. They were called the Sunshine Bandits. There call was, "Yee ha yellow, yippie ki a.' That is the call that won them the yell off at the end of the day.
Every scout camp has a spitting contest? Right?
At the rodeo, Dallin is bull training and shooting marshmallow's all at the same time, that's talent.
Bull Riding!!!
Of course they all left rich, panning for gold. I guess they call this boy scout gold. It's rocks painted gold.
From what I can tell all the boys had a great time. They came home, sunburned(even though all the moms sent them with sunblock, just none of the Dads put it on), filthy dirty, exhausted, and a lot of stories to tell.

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