Sunday, October 24, 2010

Primary Program

It's shocking to me I have already had this calling for almost a year. We have great families in our ward, with extra great kids in our primary. Today was the primary program. It was the best one I have ever seen. The theme for 2010 was, "I know that my Savior Lives." For the kids speaking parts Kristi asked the kids questions and then had them tell their testimony of that topic. So Dallin was asked, "Was there a time when the Holy Ghost helped you?" Dallin's answer, "The Holy Ghost protected me one day when I was at the swimming pool with a friend. I got trapped in the middle of the pool and couldn't swim to the side. I started to drown and I closed my eyes. When I opened them again I saw i could swim to the side. I was saved.
Eliza was asked, "How can you follow Jesus Christ's example?" Eliza's answer was,"Jesus obeyed Heavenly Father by feeling sad with his friends when they were sad. I can also obey when I try to be a good friend."
They also sang with a couple of other kids, at the end of the program. I know that my Redeemer Lives, and even though I am there mother, trust me they sang beautifully.

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