Friday, February 11, 2011


                                                         THE KIDNAPPERS
 I was not allowed to go in the house, because they were going in top secret. They had all of these plans and every time I tried to tell them that might not work, or, of course he is going to know it's you guys. They would tell me I was wrong. So, I ended up just keeping quite and saying, that sounds like a great plan you guys. It kind of ended up being more of an assault, than a kidnapping. They jumped him, when they got in the house, Taige's job was to duct tape his mouth, Dallin's job was putting the pillow case over his head, and Tanner's was to strangle him.
 Once they got him out to the car they dressed him in a scarf, a kitty cay mask, and a crown, which he had to wear to breakfast. They kept him bagged till we got to the restaurant. 
 They lead him out of the car and into, "The Place," were we ate breakfast. Spencer just follows the big boys were ever they go. Even at breakfast he wanted out of his high chair to go sit in their laps. I think he took a turn sitting in each boys lap. After breakfast I dropped them off at school, they made Brody go in his PJ's. After school Brody's Dad picked them all up and they went bowling for his birthday party.
 They all had lots of fun, and are a really good group of friends.
 Spencer before the kidnapping. I had to jump in the shower so I asked Dallin to watch him. When I cam out of my room I found him dressed up just like Dallin and helping himself to some breakfast. I guess since Dallin put on a hat this morning, Spencer went into the room and got down another one of Dallin's hats, so he could match his big brother.
 Not only is the cereal good but so is the bag. He was licking off all the powder from the lucky charms.
 He has just realized hes been caught, I don't think he cares.

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