Monday, November 28, 2011

The Destroyer

Tonight was to much, Steve and I thought the situation was so funny, but it turned bad so quickly. Eliza was building a fort down stairs. Spencer kept knocking it over and destroying it, she was getting a little hysterical over the whole thing so we said, "if you want to build a fort go upstairs and build one." our upstairs is a big open loft so when Eliza yelled down, "I need some help." Spencer flew out of his seat and yelled,"OK." While running up the stairs to help her. Eliza got hysterical and starts yelling, "No, you are not a HELPER, you are a DESTROYER." I wish you could have heard the fear and anger in her voice. I guess at this point we should have intervened. However I was working on scouts and Steve was watching the Chiefs. Also it was kind of funny.  Next thing we hear is fighting, "Spencer get away, get out of here you destroyer." What we didn't know was he picked up a sword on the way up the stairs. Next thing we hear is a blood curtailing scream, we think Eliza is being dramatic. We were wrong, she has a huge bruise across her cheek. Spencer took a swing at her while she was trying to push him out of her room. I know, it's not funny that she has a bruised cheek, but the whole incident is really funny to me. Sorry Eliza!

1 comment:

Melerella said...

The image of this story is super funny. Poor Eliza.