Sunday, September 12, 2010

Aunt Rachel's visit

Aunt Rachel Came for a visit. Steve had a week off and we were ready for a get away. It was very last minute so we decided to go to Scottsdale for about 4 days. Aunt Rachel flew in to watch the kids, they did lots of fun stuff while we were gone. Steve and I were not ready to come home. We realized that we need to do this kind of stuff a lot more. We are trying to plan our next trip. This time we want to go for a good week and somewhere really cool. While we were gone the kids did a lot of fun stuff.Rach took them to the Cardinals training camp.
She even let Dallin bring his buddy Taige.

They went on bike rides. This is the duck ponds behind the house.
They went swimming. Steve and I got back Saturday night. My girlfriend, Gretchen and I took Rach out for a night of Bar hopping and dancing. We were on the hunt for some of those Cardnial football players for Aunt Rach !!! Funniest thing of the whole night. In one of the clubs there is a punching bag that calculates your punch pressure. Rachel and I were having fun doing this. I was smart and took of my heels. I punched about 700! That's right, I was right up there with the boys. Rachel landed a good one to, but then she got carried away. She was punching full force and she went right into the splits. Thank goodness Gretchen was there to catch her. It was the funniest thing ever. Good laugh, love ya Rach. Over all a great, fun night!!!! Good friends, good music, and bar top dancing. Then home to my hubby who I love, love, love. The next day we went to the pool. Eliza was in a pineapple eating contest, she didn't win but it was good pineapple.
Spencer and I finished what she didn't eat.
Rachel had to go home today and that is never fun. We love having her around.
The Blondie's.

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